Tuesday, December 6

Only he to whom the land doesn’t belong is capable of burning it

Recently Israel was ablaze. The government was quick to declare the fires ‘arson’ set by Palestinians to destroy the land ….
But the reality is ….
“Only he to whom the land doesn’t belong is capable of burning it”.

by Evelyn Hecht-Galinski VIA Desert Peace
English translation by Milena Rampoldi, , edited by William Hanna  
With regards to the recent fires in the “Jewish State” 
we can only agree with Naftali Bennett who tweeted: 
“Only he to whom the land doesn’t belong is capable 
of burning it”. He is the right-wing Minister of 
Education and the President of the Party “Jewish 
Home” and the “Settlers‘ King” who made of the 
racist settlers‘ party a powerful coalition partner 
within the Netanyahu regime. And it is him who 
dreams of  Eretz Israel, the Great Israel, from the 
Mediterranean to Jordan, and in addition wants to 
annex big parts of the illegally occupied West Bank.  
Who does the land belong to? Certainly not to the 
ethnic cleansing Jewish occupiers who have displaced 
the indigenous Palestinian people. As a consequence 
of the fires, Bennett and his right-wing colleague, 
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman called for an 
expansion of Jewish settlements on occupied land and 
promptly authorized the building of 500 new 
settlement units! Also in this instance, the coward 
members of the German Government have remained 
silent because for them the existence of “a Jewish state” 
takes an important priority over human rights and 
international law.
This raises the question of “why is the Jewish state 
burning?” The majority of the hundreds of millions of 
trees planted since the Nakba by the Jewish National 
Fund, are conifers and particularly pines. The trees 
were planted for the benefit of the Jewish European 
immigrant ethnic cleansers so as to enable them to 
feel at home in a land for which they had no love, but 
simply wanted to possess.
Since Biblical times, trees planted in Palestine were 
suited for the dry land – such as olive trees – which 
were vital for the livelihood of Palestinian farmers and 
their families. Other trees included carob, mulberry, 
and low oaks which were all ecologically suitable 
vegetation. Such trees were and are still being 
systematically destroyed by the Zionist intruders to 
deprive the Palestinians of their livelihood.
This raises a further question of whether the current 
and previous fires – such as the 2010 Mount Carmel 
forest fire – were natural or cases of deliberate arson. 
The use of European monoculture to transform the 
“Jewish State” into a “Small Switzerland” is, however, 
doomed to failure. From the beginning, the Zionist 
intruders spoke about “Arabs” condescendingly with 
the Palestinians and their land being referred to as 
 “uncultured” and “uncultivated” as compared to the 
blossoming “Jewish” landscapes which alone were 
worthy of praise.
Consequently the effectiveness of this hasbara 
(propaganda) has deceived the whole world into 
overlooking the ethnic cleansing of Palestine while 
accepting Israel’s “green-wash” disinformation 
including that relating to the drainage of important 
lakes and water sources of the indigenous Palestinian 
inhabitants. The scarcity of water for Palestinians has 
been further exacerbated by decades of unrestricted 
theft by Israel of Palestinian water that is then used to 
supply the illegal settlements. The extensive damage 
caused by such water theft in the illegally occupied 
West Bank and the barbarically blockaded Gaza Strip is 
indescribable! So far,  the endless decades-long ethnic 
cleansing of Palestine has been tolerated by the 
hypocritical international community in general, and by 
the West and Germany in particular.
From the beginning, Zionism’s aim has been to erase 
the memory of the Nakba by rewriting history in favour 
of Israel and Judaising the map of Palestine. Such 
blatant “Nakba denial” must be also criminalized in line 
“Holocaust denial.” It is not without reason that the 
powerful Israel lobby repeatedly endeavours to prevent 
exhibitions that present the truth about the “Nakba” 
and the brutal forced expulsions that preceded and 
followed the Israeli Declaration of Independence.
Since its foundation in 1948, with its Zionist exclusive 
right to the stolen land, the “Jewish State” has not only 
systematically violated human rights and international 
law, but also all accepted ecological standards. The 
destruction of Palestinian fields and olive groves; the 
systematic poisoning of fields of Palestinian farmers; 
and the ethnic cleansing by the “Jewish State,” Jewish 
settlers, the Jewish National Fund JNF/KKL under the 
guise of green-washing and international sponsorship 
that only served the colonialism of an Apartheid Jewish 
State. In this regard, Germany stands guilty of always 
donating more woods in the name of German Federal 
Regions or with the name of politicians (Mißfelder!) for 
the JNF and Israel. While Palestinians are displaced and 
their trees destroyed, German politicians spectacularly 
plant trees in the “Jewish State” like German Foreign 
Minister Steinmeier!
It is frightening that to this day the false Zionist sound 
bite of “a land without people, for a people without 
land” continues to justify land expropriations despite 
international human rights laws prohibiting such 
practices. A particularly bad example in this context is 
the so called “Canada Park” grassed for millions of 
Dollars by the Himnuta Organisation, a 99% subsidiary 
company of JNF/KKL on the ruins of Palestinian 
villages, with secret financial sources and expenses. (1)
For these “green-washers” the future US-President 
Donald Trump comes just at the right time, having 
already supported Israel’s right to have Jerusalem as 
its capital! Under the guise of environmental 
protection — at the expense of the Palestinian people, 
and by means of the land dispossession supported by 
German-Israeli projects in forestry and irrigation — 
this will in time become possible through continual 
illegal occupation and by dispossession of the land and 
water resources of a people “thirsty for justice”.
Without the displacement of Palestinians there would 
be no “Jewish State.” It was the infamous Josef Weitz, 
President of the Jewish National Fund, and one of the 
most fanatic advocates of “transferring” the 
Palestinians who in 1940 noted in his diary that  “the 
transfer does not just pursue the aim to reduce the 
Arab population, but it also serves for the second 
objective which is not unimportant and consists of 
emptying the land cultivated by Arabs to make it free 
for Jewish settlement. The only solution is to transfer 
the Arabs from here to the neighbouring countries. We 
have not to omit neither one village nor one tribe.” All 
this and much more is cited by Ilan Pappe in his 
commendable book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.
To this day, this “transfer” concept has been is the 
policy of both politicians in the “Jewish State” and of 
Jewish Saloon-Zionists in diaspora. That policy has 
included as its first priority the denial to Palestinian 
refugees their legitimate right of return to their 
homeland so as to conquer all of Palestine – in violation 
of international law – for a strictly “Jewish start.”
However, as long as the duplicitous Western 
“community of values” is complicit in this injustice, and 
as long as the blazing flames of the illegal occupation 
are not extinguished, the “Jewish State” will burn.
“Only he to whom the land doesn’t belong is capable 
of burning it” – what a truth!
From the River to the Sea Palestine will be free!
Written FOR

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